Graduate students Emma Terris and Celeste Huff win ESA NCB student competitions
The delegation from UW-Madison to the Entomology Society of America’s North Central Branch meeting in Fort Collins, CO made a splash this week with a first place finish by Emma Terris in the M.S. Student Ten Minute Paper competition and a third place finish by Celeste Huff in the M.S. Student Poster competitions.
Emma’s presentation was titled “Insecticide Resistance and Cross-Resistance in Populations of the Colorado potato beetle” with co-authors Dr. Sean Schoville and Dr. Russ Groves.
Celeste’s poster was titled “Beyond Pollination: Exploring bee-influenced fungal community composition in cranberry blossoms” with co-authors Dr. Shawn Steffan and Dr. Leslie Holland (Fruit Crop Pathology lab, UW-Madison Plant Pathology). View Celeste’s poster online here.
Congratulations to both!
This article was posted in Awards and tagged Celeste Huff, Emma Terris.