Awards and Scholarships

National Awards

Campus Awards

Department Awards

The UW entomology department has three award opportunities for undergraduate students.  Expand the boxes below to learn more about each particular award:

+Que Lan Undergraduate Support Award

Contact the Academic Advising Manager, Allee Hochmuth, for the details of this award (email or 608-262-9926)

+Carl W. Schaefer Undergraduate Scholarship

This is a scholarship opportunity with two $500 scholarships awarded each year to undergraduates majoring in Entomology or double majors with Entomology as the home department.

The following criteria will be used to score applications:

  • 50% GPA (undergraduate; provide transcript/s)
  • 15% Research Activities (e.g., faculty lab work, independent study, internships, etc.)
  • 15% Service/Outreach (e.g., Undergraduate Entomology Club, Insect Ambassadors, etc.)
  • 10% Student Statement of Interest (limit to 1 page)
  • 10% 1-2 Professional/Academic Letters of recommendation (e.g., lab supervisor, instructor, academic advisor, etc.)

Please prepare application packages according to the criteria listed above.

The deadline for the application will vary. Please submit application packages and questions to the Academic Advising Manager, Allee Hochmuth (608-262-9926).

+Kinney Merit Award

This award was established by the Entomology Graduate Student Association (EGSA) in memory of Karl Kinney. It provides support for graduate student enrichment, usually for costs associated with attending scientific meetings. These costs may include registration fees, travel and lodging. The current award amount is $600. The Kinney Award is administered by EGSA, which puts out a call for applications once per semester on March 1st and September 1st. Applicants will have until the first Friday of the month following the call for applications to turn in the required documents to the EGSA mailbox located in room 237.

To apply for an EGSA Kinney Merit Award you must provide the following information for the EGSA Finance Committee:

  1. A completed EGSA Kinney Merit Award Application Form (available in the Main Office or from the Finance Committee Chair or available online).
  2. A current curriculum vitae that includes, but is not limited to the following: publications (specify refereed and non-refereed), presentations (specify invited and submitted), grants (written by the applicant), awards, and professional service (specify departmental and extra-departmental).
  • Departmental service could include serving as a student representative on standing departmental faculty committees, holding an office in EGSA, serving on the Linnaean team, etc…
  • Extra-departmental contributions could include moderating sessions at professional meetings serving as a student representative on committees within a professional society etc…
  • Professional service could include contributions both within the department and within any given professional society.
  • Grants are monies to support a given research project. Recognize that some grants are called “awards.” Realize that not all graduate students are given the opportunity for grant writing and to do so requires extra initiative.