Tean Zaheer
Research Associate/Post-doc - Chavez Lab
DVM, MPhil, PhD in Parasitology740 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Lab website – https://www.tickchavezlab.com/
PhD. Parasitology – University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2023
M.Phil. Parasitology – University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2020
D.V.M. – University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2018
About me:
I’m a veterinarian, specialized in parasitology/medical entomology. In my doctoral thesis, I worked on the epidemiology and control of ticks (by application of novel nanomaterials). I worked on novel combinations that are effective in halting the major life cycle stages of Hyalomma ticks, having public health importance. Apart from this, I’ve been working closely with Boophilus and Rhipicephalus ticks of ruminants as well. I also explored the potential eco-toxic and genotoxic impacts of using nanomaterials on the off targets. I’ve worked closely with the animal handlers regarding their knowledge, attitude and perceptions towards the ticks and CCHF (Congo Fever) in my fellowship project granted by Health Security Partners (HSP USA). I’ve published my work in top-tier journals, presented it at various international meetings and in the form of book chapters as well.
Research interests:
My primary focus area for research has been finding effective, sustainable yet eco-friendly control measures against ticks of animal and public health importance. In my current role as a Research associate/PostDoc., I’m working with Dr. Chavez’s USDA-NIFA project on extracellular vaccines against Amblyoma americanum ticks in cattle.
Personal interests:
Calligraphy and sight-seeing.
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=BeZnIPkAAAAJ&hl=en
Zaheer, T., Pal, K., Zaheer, I. (2020) Topical Review on Nanoparticles in Vaccinology: Biochemical promises and Challenges. Process Biochemistry, Vol. 100 (2021): 237-244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2020.09.028 2.952
Zaheer, T. Imran, M., Sajid, M.S., Aqib, A.I., Abbas, R.Z., Hanif, M.A., Khan, S.R., Khan, M.K., Rahman, S. (2021) Synthesis, characterization and acaricidal activity of green-mediated ZnO nanoparticles against Hyalomma ticks. Journal of Molecular Structure. Vol. 1227 (2021) 129652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.129652 3.196
Zaheer, T., Pal, K., Abbas, R.Z. (2021) COVID-19 and Ivermectin: Potential threats associated with human use. Journal of Molecular Structure. Vol. 1243, 130808. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.130808 3.196
Pal, K., Aljabali, A., Bhardwaj, S., Krali S., Penkova, A., Thomas, S., Zaheer, T., de Souza, F.G. 2021. A critical review on multifunctional smart materials ‘nanographene’ emerging avenue: nano-imaging and biosensor applications. Critical Reviews in Solid State Materials Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408436.2021.1935717 11.178
Salman; M., Abbas, R.Z., Mehmood, K., Hussain, R., Shah, S., Faheem, M., Zaheer, T., Abbas, A., Morales, B., Aneva; Martinez, J.L. 2022. Assessment of Avermectins Induced Toxicity in Animals. Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15, 332. https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15030332 5.863
Zaheer, T., Ali, M. M., Abbas, R.Z., Aqib , A. I., Khalid, Z., Atta, K., Amjad, I., Suleman, A. (2022) Insights into Nanopesticides for Ticks: The Superbugs of Livestock. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7411481 7.307
Kandeel M, Rehman TU, Akhtar T, Zaheer T, Ahmad S, Ashraf U and Omar M, 2022. Antiparasitic applications of nanoparticles: a review. Pak Vet J. http://dx.doi.org/10.29261/pakvetj/2022.040 1.803
Zaheer T, Kandeel M, Abbas RZ, Khan SR, Rehman Tu, Aqib AI. Acaricidal Potential and Ecotoxicity of Metallic Nano-PesticidesUsed against the Major Life Stages of Hyalomma Ticks. Life. 2022; 12(7):977. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12070977 3.251
Aguilar-Marcelino L, Bautista-Garfias CR, Zaheer T, Maqsood A, Bamarni SSI, Abdullah BH, Faruk AZ, Salman M, Akhtar T, Wajiha, Silva FEM and Hussain R, 2022. Potential of anisakiasis in foodborne zoonosis. Pak Vet J, 42(4): 433-444. http://dx.doi.org/10.29261/pakvetj/2022.080 1.803
Perveen, N., Muhammad, K., Muzaffar, S.B., Zaheer, T., Munawar, N., Gajic, B., Sparagano, O.A., Kishore, U. and Willingham, A.L. 2023. Host-pathogen interaction in arthropod vectors: Lessons from viral infections. Front. Immunol. Volume 14 – 2023. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1061899 8.786
Fatima, A., Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Pal, K., Mehmood, M.S.2023. Zinc oxide nanoparticles: Significant role in Poultry and Novel Toxiclogical Mechanisms. Biological Trace Element Research. Biol Trace Elem Res (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-023-03651-x 4.081
Zaheer, T., Rao Zahid Abbas, Nighat Perveen, Olivier Andre Sparagano, Tauseef Ur Rehman, Shanza Rauf Khan, Ali Raza , Muhammad Kasib Khan and Muhammad Imran Arshad. Application of Cypermethrin-Coated ZnS and ZnO Nanoparticles against Rhipicephalus Ticks. Pathogens. 2023; 12(6):807. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12060807
Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Khan, M.K., Arshad, M.I. 2023-24. Novel Insights regarding the Safety and Efficacy of Pyrethroid Coated Nanoparticles against Hyalomma Ticks. Accepted in Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/15376516.2023.2263545
Zaheer, T., Imran, M., Sajid, M.S., Hanif, M.A., Khan, M.K., Rahman, S.U., Abbas, R.Z., Sindhu, Z.U.D., Nisar, S. In vitro Acaricidal Activity of Green-mediated Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Against Rhipicephalus Ticks. Oral Presentation at “4TH International MS NANO” (March 2020).
Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Imran, M., Rahman, S.U., Zaheer, I., Javed, T. In silico design of Eimeria tenella vaccine candidate. Poster presented at “Molecular Parasitology Meeting XXXI” (Sept. 2020).
Zaheer, T., Imran, M., Sajid, M.S., Abbas, R.Z., Khan, M.S., Rahman, S.U. Ectoparasites Epidemiology and Association of Risk Factors in Small Ruminant Population of Faisalabad District, Punjab, Pakistan. Poster presented at “5th International Congress on Advances of Veterinary Sciences and Techniques (ICAVST)” (Oct. 2020).
Zaheer, T., Imran, M., Abbas, R.Z., Saqib, M. Haemoparasites Epidemiology for Equine Health: Transcripts from Preliminary Conventional Screening. Poster presented at International Conference on Farriery & Allied Veterinary Sciences (Dec. 2020).
Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Imran, M., Acaricidal Black plum mediated Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles against Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma Ticks. Poster presented at BritishSociety for Parasitology’s Parasites Online Meeting 2021. (June 2021).
Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Khan, M.K., Arshad, M.I., Aqib, A.I., Imran, M., Zaheer, C.F. Parasitology and One Health: The Need for Consortia. Poster presented at OWSD 6 th General Assembly and International Conference. (Nov. 2021).
Zaheer, T., Abbas, R.Z., Rehman, T.U., Khan, M.K., Arshad, M.I. Snails as Model for Nano-pesticide related Eco-toxicity Evaluation. Molecular Parasitology Meeting XXXIII, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA. Page 469. (Sept. 2022).
Zaheer, T., Khan, S.R., Ali, M.M., Abbas, R.Z., Aqib, A.I. Nano-safety at bench: risk analysis from Pakistani research labs. Presented at: 16th Annual A-PBA Biorisk Conference Biosafety and Biosecurity- Preparedness for Future Pandemics, Bangkok, Thailand (Nov. 2023)
Zaheer, T. and Raza, M.H. Insights from Biological Risk Assessment and Management training for Congo Fever in Beef-Producing regions of Pakistan. Presented at 8th World’s One Health Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (September 2024)
Book Chapters
Zaheer, T., Muneer, S., Abbas, R.Z., Akbar, G., Imran, M., Khan, M.K.,Parveen, N. Nanomaterials againstparasites: The developments and the way forward. In: Nanomaterials in the Battle Against Pathogens and Disease Vectors. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, UK ISBN: 9780367647810. https://www.routledge.com/Nanomaterials-in-the-Battle-Against-Pathogens-and-Disease-Vectors/PalZaheer/p/book/9780367647810
Zaheer, T., Imran, M., Aqib, A.I., Pal, K., Tahir, A., Zaheer, I., Abbas, R.Z. (2021). Key challenges andscopes of biomaterials commercialization: Therapeutic delivery. In: Bio-manufactured Nanomaterials: Perspectives and Promotion. Springer, Nature ISBN: 978-3-030-67222-5. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-67223-2_15
Book Edited:
Nanomaterials in the Battle Against Pathogens and Disease Vectors, Edited by Prof. Dr. Kaushik Pal and Dr. Tean Zaheer. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press. ISBN: 9780367647810. (Published 2023) https://www.routledge.com/Nanomaterials-in-the-BattleAgainst-Pathogens-and-Disease-Vectors/Pal-Zaheer/p/book/9780367647810