Jun Zhu
Professor - Statistics
Affiliate Faculty - Department of Entomology
6120 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue
Madison WI 53706

PhD Iowa State University, Ames, 2000 (Statistics)
MSE Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1995 (Mathematical Sciences)
BA Knox College, Galesburg 1994 (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Research Interests
Spatial statistics, spatio-temporal statistics, Markov random fields, agricultural statistics, environmental statistics, statistical ecology, environmental/population health, disease mapping, medical imaging, spatial demography
The main components of my research activities are statistical methodological development and scientific collaborative research. My statistical methodological research concerns developing statistical methodology for analyzing spatially referenced data (spatial statistics) and spatial data repeatedly sampled over time (spatio-temporal statistics) that arise in the biological, physical, and social sciences. My collaborative research concerns applying modern statistical methods, especially spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, to studies of agricultural, biological, ecological, environmental, health, and social systems conducted by research scientists. To a large extent, my overall research program involves a close connection between the two types of research activities. Problems in my collaborative research that do not have adequate statistical tools motivate my statistical methodological research, whereas the new methods I develop in statistical methodological research are applied in my collaborative projects.