Dave Hogg
Professor Emeritus
643 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Interests: Population Ecology, Pest Management

Ph.D Entomology – University of California-Berkeley, 1977
MS Entomology – Purdue University, 1973
BS Entomology – Purdue University, 1970
Research Interests:
My research focus has returned to the ecology and management of insects associated with field crops. Most of my efforts have involved the recently (2000) introduced soybean aphid, Aphis glycines. Emphasis has been on developing non-chemical methods for managing aphid populations, including biological controls and plant resistance (the latter in collaboration with Craig Grau in Plant Pathology). Support for this activity, including a graduate research assistantship, has come from the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board and the North Central Soybean Research Program, both of which are funded by grower check-off dollars. I also have developed an increased interest in agricultural sustainability and organic agriculture, and I currently have a graduate student who is pursuing a joint M.S. in Entomology and Agroecology. I have also engaged in some extension activities and have a modest project funded by the USDA-NC IPM Grant Program to encourage growers to properly scout their alfalfa fields before applying insecticide to control potato leafhoppers. My plan is to continue research emphasis on soybean aphid ecology and management, and to take advantage of other research opportunities (e.g. sustainability) as they arise.
Research Category: Basic and Applied
Professional Societies:
- Entomological Society of America
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Society of Population Ecology
- Kansas, Michigan, and Wisconsin Entomological Societies
- Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta