Taylor Tai Receives Graduate Student Service Scholarship
Congratulations to Taylor Tai (PhD Candidate in the Gratton Lab), who has been included among the recipients of the 2021 Graduate Student Service Scholarship. This scholarship recognizes and honors graduate students who volunteer to take on service roles in addition to their research, work, and family obligations.
Upon experiencing the exclusion and marginalization of non-white voices in her programs on campus, Taylor co-founded a campus organization dedicated to providing community and social support for underrepresented graduate students in STEM fields. In addition to providing programming through this interdepartmental group, Taylor designed and led a graduate course on coping with white supremacist culture in the academic work environment. She has also worked extensively with the Teaching Assistants’ Association (TAA) on campus, the graduate mentorship program in Integrative Biology and serves on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee in Entomology in order to make these programs more welcoming and supportive of diverse members.
This article was posted in Awards, News and tagged Taylor Tai.