Shane Foye
Researcher I - Guedot Lab
546 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Gudeot Lab Website – Fruit Crop Entomology
Wisconsin Fruit Website
Spotted Wing Drosophilia in Wisconsin Website
Entomology has taken Shane for quite a ride. Starting in the Keystone State, he studied purple loosestrife, an invasive weed, and the beetles that biologically control it. This undergraduate honors thesis was conducted under the direction of Dr. Megan Rothenberger, of Lafayette College. From 2012 to 2014, Shane completed his M.S. with Dr. Carmen Greenwood, at Oklahoma State University. Shane studied the arthropods and entomopathogenic nematodes living in bobwhite quail habitat. After realizing that he wasn’t quite tough enough to endure the dust storms, rattlesnakes, and tornadoes, Shane moved to Wisconsin, to pursue his Ph.D. in the Steffan Lab. His dissertation involved a survey of entomopathogenic nematodes native to Wisconsin, and an evaluation of their virulence towards cranberry pests. AmeriCorps offered Shane a chance to live in northern New York, where he helped organic farmers monitor swede midge, squash bugs, and cucumber beetles. Afterwards, he worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Rutgers. With the help of too many people to list in this paragraph, Shane was able to enjoy this journey, and hopes to give back by working for Dr. Christelle Guédot, as Research Associate. His interests include biological control, entomopathogenic nematology, all things flea beetle, and social wasps.
Ph.D. Entomology – University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021
M.S. Entomology – Oklahoma State University, 2014