Ben Iuliano
PhD Entomology '23 - Gratton Lab
PhD Entomology (2023) – UW-Madison
B.S. (2018), Ecology, Evolution, & Biodiversity with Honors, minor in Sustainable Food Systems, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Thesis: Insects and the city: socio-ecological trends in urban agroecosystems.
Advisors: John Vandermeer & Ivette Perfecto
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in landscape agroecology, insect ecology, predator-prey interactions, and the political economy of agriculture. My dissertation work will investigate how the spatio-temporal continuity of prey resources in the landscape affect predator population dynamics and biological control services, using ladybird beetles as a model system. I also hope to incorporate social science methods to relate these landscape dynamics to stakeholder decision-making and farm policy.
Personal Interests
I enjoy debating about politics, spending time outdoors, and developing new recipes to test on friends and family.