Ariana Abbrescia
M.S. Agroecology '23 - Groves Lab/Gevens Lab
689 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Dr
Madison WI 53706
Ari is an MS student in the Agroecology program, and is co-advised by Dr. Amanda Gevens in the Plant Pathology department and Dr. Russell Groves in the Entomology department. Her research will focus on organic pest management best-practice, and will contribute to the creation of web-based pest management resources. More specifically, Ari will work with an advisory board of local organic growers to determine one or more diseases/pests of interest in Wisconsin, for which she will create organic product lists with associated best-use guidelines compiled through meta-analyses of published literature. She is also working to create up-to-date disease identification and management resources for the Gevens lab website.
B.S. in Biology, Villanova University, 2021
Personal Interests:
I love painting, cooking/baking, foraging, eating bread, gardening, and befriending animals.